
UPJV at EREM’s Open Days

EREM’s Research and Development (R&D) partner UPJV were present at the company’s Open Day resolutely geared towards the future

Factory of the future, research and innovation are the key words of our industrial partner EREM; service provider and trouble-shooter for motor repair; designer and manufacturer of bespoke motors, and sole French repair shop certified by Siemens Germany.

During a recent event organised to celebrate EREM’s 25 years of activity, EREM unveiled its innovation and development strategy for the following 25 years; their programme is based on research and development dedicated to the monitoring and detection of stress on ball bearings, the major component of most rotating machinery.

Since 2015, UPJV’s Innovative Technology Lab (LTI) and the Condensed Matter Physics Lab (LPMC) have been collaborating with EREM, ESIEE-Amiens, the technology transfer platform Innovaltech, as well as with GIMA and FIVES, to research and supply innovative solutions in the field of industrial maintenance.

Last day in the presence of: Olivier DASSAULT (National Assembly Deputy), Mr RENAUX (Major of Wavignies), Mr DESMEDT (President of the Community of Communes, Vice-President of the Departmental Council overseeing economic development ), Mr CAUWEL (Regional Councillor), Virginie CLEMENT-STRINATI (UPJV), Jerome FORTIN (ESIEE-AMIENS), GAUTIER (ANRT CIFRE).

Presentation of challenges and prospects:

– A strategic global vision: Digital Erem and Erem the factory of the future

– High value-added services: Obsolescence, Digital twins, Testbeds, Numerical tools and services, Electric monitoring of ball bearings: aiming for advanced diagnostic tools and services, maintenance, creation of new indicators for multiphysics systems, real-time monitoring by classification of rotating elements, prognostic diagnostics (weather forecasts).

– Technological offers: New growth of EREM and their design industry of the future, creation of partnership projects, launching of a research and training programme in collaboration with higher education institutions in the region of Amiens.

80 students and 30 guests from the general public, visit of “l’Alliance Industrie du Future” (Industry of The Future Alliance) visited in order to evaluate EREM’s bid to be awarded the label of “Industrial showcase of the future” : authorisation to submit their bid by the end of 2017. Two days devoted to EREM’s clients/partners including:

-150 industrial companies, including the following heavyweights:


The inauguration of EREM’s new buildings is to be held in 2018, in the presence of the President of the Republic.