The only repairer agreed by SIEMENS for servomotors !

The ONLY repairer agreed by SIEMENS !

Since 1993, EREM has been approved by SIEMENS for the repair of servomotors. As an agreed repairer we offer a unique service and one year warranty on your motors and servomotors repaired in our workshop.

Our test bench is equiped with a wide range of drive systems and analysis devices allowing us to validate products in real conditions of use.

We also have a design office and a machine tool stock for the construction of spindles, servomotors, electro-spindles and special motors.

réparateur agréé SIEMENS

Our aims

EREM was created to meet 3 requirements of electric motor users:

  1. Expertise

    With these years of experience as an authorized SIEMENS repairer and manufacturer of special motors, we have the knowledge (know-how) necessary to carry out our activities.

  2. Reactivity

    “Globalisation, restructuring, outsourcing, just in time, stock optimisation are the trends at our customers”

    P. Maier

    Passionate about maintenance and specialist of troubleshooting solutions we provide you with our resources to meet by all means your needs as quickly as possible.

  3. Quality

    “Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort”

    J. Ruskin

    Through a quality charter EREM has put in place a keen approach for personnal recruitment and massive material investments.

    To go further in this approach and meet the needs of our customers, we practice total quality management (-).